

Synopsis:.With Rabid, acclaimed director David Cronenberg (The Fly, Dead Ringers, Crash, Naked Lunch) delivers a high-tension thriller the way only Cronenberg can.

After undergoing radical emergency surgery, Rose (adult film star Marilyn Chambers in her first leading role in a mainstream film) develops an insatiable desire for blood. She searches out victims to satisfy her incurable craving, infecting them with an unknown disease which in turn swiftly drives them insame and equally bloodthirsty.

Follow the lovely but deadly Rose through her terrifying ordeal as victim by victim the spreading circle of casualties grows...until no one can excape their grisly fate of becoming...Rabid.


Director: David Cronenberg (The Fly, Dead Ringers, Crash, Naked Lunch)

Reviews: A collision between motorcycle and motorhome on a country road leaves Hart Read (Frank Moore) and his girlfriend Rose (Marilyn Chambers) badly injured. Read is stable enough to be shipped to a hospital, but Rose is shipped to the clinic. The operation to save her life appears at first to be a complete success, but soon all hell breaks loose. Marilyn Chambers is pretty believable as Rose - even Cronenberg was surprised that she didn't do more mainstream movies. The film has some great moments of terror - the shooting of a man trying to get into a car and the immediate washing down of the windshield that follows, is a perfect example. "Rabid" isn't as gruesome as "Shivers" and "The Brood", but if you are a fan of Cronenberg's movies, you can't miss it. Highly recommended.

AWARDS: Medalla Sitges en Plata de Ley

DVD Special Features:

Total Running Time: 91 minutes

Language: English, French and in some cases Spanish.

U.S. Motion Picture Board Rating: R





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